龙卷风袭击了德克萨斯州的布拉佐里亚、加尔韦斯顿和钱伯斯州,造成人员伤亡和广泛破坏。 A tornado hit Brazoria, Galveston, and Chambers counties in Texas, causing deaths, injuries, and widespread damage.
经证实的龙卷风袭击了得克萨斯州布拉索里亚县,造成严重损坏,至少造成一人死亡和数人受伤。 A confirmed tornado hit Brazoria County, Texas, causing severe damage and resulting in at least one death and several injuries. 龙卷风影响阿尔文附近地区,包括利物浦和希尔克雷斯特村,房屋和学校遭到破坏。 The tornado affected areas near Alvin, including Liverpool and Hillcrest Village, damaging homes and schools. 当局建议居民因停电和其他危险而远离道路。 Authorities advised residents to stay off the roads due to downed power lines and other hazards. 龙卷风穿过加尔韦斯顿县,进入各分庭县,造成更多破坏,包括倒塌的围栏和松散的牛群。 The tornado moved through Galveston County and into Chambers County, causing additional damage including downed fences and loose cattle. 进一步的搜索和救援工作正在进行中。 Further search and rescue efforts are ongoing.