一名 19 岁的男子据称醉酒并吸毒,在科里马尔 (Corrimal) 将汽车撞向电线杆,导致电线折断;司机逃跑,后来被发现并被捕。 19-year-old, allegedly drunk and on drugs, crashed car into power pole in Corrimal, causing it to snap and down powerlines; driver fled, later found and arrested.
据称,一名 19 岁的男子醉酒、吸毒,并持刀将汽车撞到科里马尔的一根电线杆上,导致电线杆折断成两半,导致电线倒塌。 19-year-old allegedly drunk, on drugs, and with a knife crashed his car into a power pole in Corrimal, causing it to snap in half and resulting in downed powerlines. 事件发生于3月29日早上6点49分,司机逃离现场,但随后在埃德加街被发现并逮捕。 The incident occurred at 6:49am on March 29th, and the driver fled the scene but was later found and arrested on Edgar Street. 他的酒精检测呈阳性,并被带到科里马尔警察局。 He tested positive for alcohol and was taken to Corrimal Police Station.