38 岁的肯尼斯·布里德内尔·卡罗尔因在奥本山超速行驶、逃避警察追捕和造成致命车祸而面临九项重罪指控。 38-year-old Kenneth Briddnell Carroll charged with nine felonies for speeding, fleeing police, and causing fatal crash in Auburn Hills.
38 岁的肯尼斯·布里德内尔·卡罗尔 (Kenneth Briddnell Carroll) 来自奥本山,因发生一起致命车祸而被指控九项重罪。 38-year-old Kenneth Briddnell Carroll, from Lake Orion, has been charged with nine felonies in connection with a fatal crash in Auburn Hills. 据称,他超速行驶并逃离警察,随后引发了车祸,造成一人死亡,一人重伤。 He was allegedly speeding and fled from police before causing the crash, which killed one person and left another seriously injured. 指控包括一级逃逸、鲁莽驾驶致人死亡以及持有管制物质。 The charges include first-degree fleeing, reckless driving causing death, and possession of a controlled substance.