Tech执行官Pavel Durov因参与儿童性虐待在法国被捕。 Tech executive Pavel Durov arrested in France due to Telegram's involvement in child sexual abuse.
随着执法、监管者和决策者强化对在线平台的检查,技术行政人员在平台内容和活动方面承担越来越多的个人责任。 Tech executives face growing personal liability for content and activities on their platforms, as law enforcement, regulators, and policymakers intensify scrutiny on online platforms. 法国的Telegram创始人Pavel Durov因平台参与儿童性虐待图像而被捕,就表明了这一趋势。 This trend is illustrated by the arrest of Pavel Durov, Telegram founder, in France over the platform's involvement in child sexual abuse imagery. 虽然传统上要求公司而不是个人承担责任,但对其网站内容的行政责任的门槛正在降低,特别是在儿童安全方面。 While traditionally holding companies accountable rather than individuals, a lower threshold for executive responsibility for content on their sites is emerging, particularly in child safety.