美国和联合王国组成联合工作组,利用联合王国的《在线安全法》加强网上儿童安全。 US and UK form joint working group to strengthen online child safety, utilizing the UK's Online Safety Act.
美国和联合王国成立了一个联合工作组,以加强儿童在线安全,回应人们对社交媒体对青年影响的关切。 The US and UK have established a joint working group to enhance online safety for children, responding to rising concerns over social media's impact on youth. 这项举措旨在分享专门知识和执行诸如联合王国的《在线安全法》等条例,该法规定保护免受有害内容的侵害。 This initiative aims to share expertise and enforce regulations like the UK's Online Safety Act, which mandates protections against harmful content. 两国政府都强调技术公司必须将儿童安全列为优先事项,同时承认有必要进一步研究社交媒体的影响。 Both governments emphasize the need for tech companies to prioritize child safety, while acknowledging the necessity for further research on social media's effects.