由于乌克兰的袭击,俄罗斯当局对库尔恰托夫实施入境限制,库尔斯克州长称其为“核恐怖主义”。 Russian authorities impose entry restrictions on Kurchatov due to Ukrainian attack, Kursk Governor calls it "nuclear terrorism".
由于乌克兰武装部队不断发动袭击,俄罗斯当局对库尔恰托夫(库尔斯克核电厂附近的一个城镇)实施入境限制。 Russian authorities imposed entry restrictions on Kurchatov, a town near the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, due to ongoing attacks by Ukraine's Armed Forces. 库尔斯克总督Alexey Smirnov将局势描述为“核恐怖主义”,并呼吁原子能机构立即采取行动。 Kursk Governor Alexey Smirnov described the situation as "nuclear terrorism" and called for immediate action from the IAEA. 只有注册的Kurchatov居民和持有入境许可证的核电厂工人才能进入该镇。 Only registered Kurchatov residents and nuclear plant workers with entry permits will be allowed to enter the town.