4 Klamath河水力发电大坝正在加利福尼亚-奥雷贡边境附近拆除,以恢复鱼类和野生生物的生态系统。 4 Klamath River hydroelectric dams are being removed near the California-Oregon border to restore ecosystems for fish and wildlife.
美国历史上最大的水坝清除项目,在加利福尼亚-奥雷贡边境附近进行,旨在恢复克拉马斯河的生态系统,使鲑鱼能够游上游和产卵。 The largest dam removal project in U.S. history, underway near the California-Oregon border, aims to revive the Klamath River's ecosystem and enable salmon to swim upstream and spawn. 作为恢复鱼类和野生生物生态系统的全国运动的一部分,四座水力发电大坝被拆除,土著部落从可能恢复的重要鱼类种群中受益。 Four hydroelectric dams are being removed as part of a national movement to restore ecosystems for fish and wildlife, with Native tribes benefiting from potential restoration of vital fish populations. 该项目由非营利的Klamath河复兴公司监督,预计将于9月完成。 The project is overseen by the nonprofit Klamath River Renewal Corp. and expected to be completed in September.