Pembroke边界路和Bennett街十字路口的建筑工程于9月6日完工,但更多工程持续到9月底。 Construction at Boundary Road & Bennett Street intersection in Pembroke completes by Sept. 6th, but additional work continues into late September.
彭布罗克的边界路和贝内特街交叉口的建设计划于9月6日完成,下午5点重新开放。Boundary Road 的额外工作将持续到 9 月下旬,车道将关闭,并可能因铺路和大型设备使用而短期封闭道路。 Construction at the Boundary Road & Bennett Street intersection in Pembroke is targeted to complete by Sept. 6th, reopening at 5 p.m. Additional work on Boundary Road will continue into late September, with lane closures and potential short-term road closures for paving and large equipment use. 天气条件在时间表中起着重要作用。 Weather conditions play a significant role in the schedule. 彭布罗克市感谢公众在这些基础设施改善过程中的耐心。 The City of Pembroke thanks the public for their patience during these infrastructure improvements.