Wwosterstershire县议会关闭了Kidderminster的Caunsall路的一部分,为期三天,用于Severn Trent的工作。 Worcestershire County Council closes part of Caunsall Road in Kidderminster for three days for Severn Trent work.
Wwosterstershire县议会宣布从2月20日起临时关闭Kidderminster附近的Caunsall路部分, Worcestershire County Council announced a temporary closure of part of Caunsall Road near Kidderminster from February 20th for three days, to allow Severn Trent to install a new connection. 封锁影响到从A449 Wolverh Kampton公路到新公路的延伸地带。 The closure affects the stretch from A449 Wolverhampton Road to New Road. 直接受影响的地产将可进入,建议另设一条路线。 Directly affected properties will have access, and an alternate route has been suggested.