Greenville十字路口关闭三个月,从1月6日起进行48.5M基础设施升级。 Greenville intersection closure for three months starting Jan 6 for $48.5M infrastructure upgrades.
由于BUILD项目这一耗资4 850万美元的改善基础设施倡议,Greenville西第五街和南格林街交叉路口将从1月6日起关闭,为期约三个月。 The intersection of West Fifth Street and South Greene Street in Greenville will close from January 6 for about three months due to the BUILD Project, a $48.5 million infrastructure improvement initiative. 关闭将使人行道、砖块横行道和新树等范围更广的人行道得到增强。 The closure will allow for enhancements like wider sidewalks, brick crosswalks, and new trees. 在此期间,司机将需要使用替代路线,包括埃文斯街和南华盛顿街。 Drivers will need to use alternative routes, including Evans Street and South Washington Street, during this time.