8 月 27 日,宾夕法尼亚州一名持枪入室盗窃嫌疑人在一次商业入室盗窃未遂中被警方开枪送往医院。 On 27 Aug, an armed burglary suspect in PA was shot and hospitalized by police during a business burglary attempt.
8月27日,一名武装入室盗窃嫌疑人在兰开斯特县试图在一家企业的入室盗窃中逃跑,之后被射杀并住院治疗。 On August 27, an armed burglary suspect in Lancaster County, PA was shot and hospitalized after attempting to flee during a burglary at a business. 北兰开斯特县地区警察局的警官赶到现场,当嫌疑人试图逃跑时,一名警官向他开枪,造成没有生命危险的伤害。 Officers from the Northern Lancaster County Regional Police Department responded to the scene, and when the suspect tried to escape, an officer fired at him, causing non-life-threatening injuries. 嫌犯被送往医院,兰开斯特县地方检察官正在调查这一事件。 The suspect was taken to a hospital, and the Lancaster County District Attorney is investigating the incident.