在NJ省Depford的感恩节追逐中被警察射杀后住院。 Man hospitalized after being shot by police during a Thanksgiving chase in Deptford, NJ.
一名男子在感恩节在新泽西州Depford的徒步追逐中遭到警察枪击后住院。 A man was hospitalized after a police shooting during a foot chase in Deptford, New Jersey, on Thanksgiving Day. 追逐始于Fairfield客栈 在骚乱报告后。 The chase began at the Fairfield Inn after a disturbance report. 这名嫌疑人据报从旅馆窗户跳下,被一名警官开枪打死,伤势没有威胁生命。 The suspect, who reportedly jumped from a hotel window, was shot by an officer and sustained non-life-threatening injuries. 42号公路暂时关闭,以便进行调查,当局尚未确定该男子是否有武器。 Route 42 was temporarily closed for the investigation, and the authorities have not yet determined if the man was armed. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.