美国宾夕法尼亚州钱伯斯堡的22岁男子被枪杀; 车辆离开现场后, 嫌疑人被拘留. 22-year-old man fatally shot in Chambersburg, PA; suspects detained after vehicle seen leaving scene.
9月17日,宾夕法尼亚富兰克林县的汉伯堡警察在9月16日发现一名22岁的男子在其公寓中被致命枪击后拘留了两人。 On September 17, Chambersburg police in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, detained two individuals after a 22-year-old man was found fatally shot in his apartment on September 16. 在接到电话后,警察发现受害者身上有枪伤和殴打迹象。 Responding to a call, officers discovered the victim with gunshot wounds and signs of assault. 一辆被看见离开现场的车辆导致在附近一户家中执行搜查令,嫌疑人就在那里。 A vehicle seen leaving the scene led to a search warrant executed at a nearby home, where the suspects were located. 当局正在要求公众提供有关这一事件的补充资料。 Authorities are seeking additional information from the public regarding the incident.