密歇根州的 DNR 证实橡树枯萎病在马凯特县西南部蔓延,敦促预防和管理。 Michigan's DNR confirms oak wilt spread in southwest Marquette County, urging prevention and management.
密歇根州 DNR 已确认马凯特县西南部存在橡树枯萎病感染,这表明该疾病已在上半岛蔓延。 The Michigan DNR has confirmed oak wilt infections in southwest Marquette County, signaling the disease's spread in the Upper Peninsula. 由真菌Bretziela fayacearum引起的橡树将迅速杀死红橡树,但白色橡树更具抗御力。 Caused by the fungus Bretziella fagacearum, oak wilt rapidly kills red oaks but white oaks are more resilient. 为了限制甲虫的传播, 建议不要在4月15日至7月15日间砍伐或修剪树. The DNR emphasizes prevention, advising against cutting or pruning oak trees from April 15 to July 15 to limit beetle transmission. 适当管理受感染的树木对控制疾病爆发至关重要。 Proper management of infected trees is essential to control the outbreak.