美国布朗上将报告说,在以色列-真主党交换后,中东更广泛的战争风险降低,但伊朗仍然是一个重大威胁。 Top US General Brown reports decreased risk of broader Middle East war following Israel-Hezbollah exchange, but Iran remains a significant threat.
美国最高总司令C. Q. Top US General C.Q. Brown指出,在以色列和黎巴嫩真主党最近交火之后,中东发生更广泛战争的危险有所缓解。 Brown has stated that the risk of a broader war in the Middle East has somewhat eased after recent exchanges of fire between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah. 尽管这一下降,但伊朗在考虑对以色列发动袭击时仍然是一个重大威胁。 Despite this decrease, Iran remains a significant threat as it considers a strike on Israel. 最近发生的冲突涉及真主党向以色列发射数百枚火箭和无人驾驶飞机,造成有限的破坏,没有立即升级。 The recent clashes, involving hundreds of rockets and drones fired by Hezbollah at Israel, resulted in limited damage and no immediate escalation. 虽然发生区域战争的直接危险已经减少,但伊朗对一名哈马斯领导人在德黑兰被害的潜在报复行为仍然构成危险。 While the immediate risk of a regional war has lessened, Iran's potential retaliation for the killing of a Hamas leader in Tehran still poses a danger. 美国在中东的军事立场比伊朗发动史无前例的攻击时的4月份更愿意帮助以色列防御。 The US military's position in the Middle East is better prepared to aid Israel's defense than it was in April when Iran launched an unprecedented attack.