以色列、美国和伊朗的盟友每一次袭击都离全面战争越来越近。 Israel, US, and Iran's allies are inching closer to an all-out war with each strike.
人们越来越担心,以色列、美国和伊朗的盟友每次袭击都在一步步接近全面战争。 Fears grow that Israel, the US, and Iran's allies are inching closer to an all-out war with each strike. 仅在过去一周,以色列就杀死了一名哈马斯高级武装分子,真主党向以色列发射了火箭,美国在巴格达杀死了一名民兵指挥官,伊朗支持的也门叛乱分子与美国海军发生了交火。 In the past week alone, Israel has killed a senior Hamas militant, Hezbollah has fired rockets into Israel, the US has killed a militia commander in Baghdad, and Iran-backed rebels in Yemen have traded fire with the American Navy. 随着每一次打击和反击,加沙本已灾难性的战争蔓延到整个地区的风险都会增加。 With each strike and counterstrike, the risk of the already catastrophic war in Gaza spilling across the region increases.