第五巡回法院推翻了 DOL 2021 年的小费信用规则,认为该规则是任意的,与 FLSA 相悖。 5th Circuit Court overturned DOL's 2021 tip credit rule as arbitrary and contrary to FLSA.
第五巡回上诉法院推翻了DOL80/20/30的小费信贷规则,认为该规则武断和反复无常。 5th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the DOL's 80/20/30 tip credit rule, finding it arbitrary and capricious. 2021年引入的这项规则限制雇主在雇员工作周超过20%的时间内取得小费信贷,如果雇员直接支持工作超过30分钟,则失去小费信贷。 The rule, introduced in 2021, restricted employers from taking tip credit for more than 20% of an employee's workweek and losing it when an employee performed directly supporting work for over 30 minutes. 法院指出,它与《公平劳动标准法》的明确案文和意图相矛盾。 The court stated it contradicted the Fair Labor Standards Act's clear text and intent. 这项裁决影响到美国各地的雇主,并可能对未来对《劳工与社会保障法》的解释产生影响。 The ruling affects employers across the U.S. and may have implications for the future interpretation of the FLSA.