卡塔尔能源与科威特石油公司签署了为期15年的3MTPA液化天然气供应协议,标志着他们的第二个长期协议. Qatar Energy signs 15-year, 3MTPA LNG supply deal with Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, marking their second long-term agreement.
卡塔尔能源公司与科威特石油公司(KPC)签署了为期15年的LNG供应协议,标志着双方之间的第二次长期交易。 Qatar Energy has signed a 15-year LNG supply agreement with Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC), marking the second long-term deal between the two parties. 根据该协定,卡塔尔能源将从2025年1月起每年向科威特供应多达300万吨的液化石油。 Under the agreement, Qatar Energy will supply up to 3 million tonnes of LNG per year to Kuwait, starting in January 2025. 这项交易旨在加强能源安全和使科威特的能源组合多样化,为中东国家提供稳定和可靠的清洁能源供应。 The deal aims to enhance energy security and diversify Kuwait's energy mix, providing a stable and reliable supply of clean energy to the Middle Eastern nation. 该协议遵循了2020年签署的类似15年协议,预计将支持科威特的可持续性目标,特别是在发电方面。 This agreement follows a similar 15-year deal signed in 2020 and is expected to support Kuwait's sustainability goals, particularly in electricity generation.