墨西哥土著社区警察面临毒品卡特尔在地盘战争中的暴力威胁,有7人死亡,7人被绑架。 Mexican Indigenous community police face violent threats from drug cartels in turf wars, with 7 killed and 7 kidnapped.
墨西哥土著社区警察部队面临来自毒品卡特尔的日益严重的暴力,7名警察在Coahuayana被杀,7名土著警察在另一个城镇被绑架。 Mexico's Indigenous community police forces face growing violence from drug cartels, as seven police members were killed in Coahuayana and seven Indigenous officers were kidnapped in another town. 这些袭击与卡特尔地盘战争以及控制沿海地区走私毒品的努力有关。 These attacks are linked to cartel turf wars and efforts to control coastal areas for drug smuggling. 未经训练的社区警察为了与毒品卡特尔的火力相匹配 以他们的土地为攻击目标而斗争。 The untrained community police struggle to match the firepower of the drug cartels targeting their land.