墨西哥瓜纳华托有12具尸体,身上有酷刑和枪伤痕迹,与地方犯罪辛迪加争端有关。 12 bodies with signs of torture and gunshot wounds found in Guanajuato, Mexico, linked to local crime syndicate disputes.
在墨西哥瓜纳华托发现了12具尸体,其中包括3名妇女和9名男子,有酷刑和枪伤的迹象,与当地犯罪集团之间持续的争端有关。 Twelve bodies, including three women and nine men, were found in Guanajuato, Mexico, with signs of torture and gunshot wounds, linked to ongoing disputes between local crime syndicates. 受害者在萨拉曼卡的五个地点被发现,其中一具尸体被肢解。 The victims were discovered across five locations in Salamanca, with one body dismembered. 这些杀人事件是继最近对康复中心的攻击之后发生的,突出表明了该地区卡特尔暴力的激增,而该地区目前是墨西哥最暴力的州。 These killings follow a recent attack on a rehabilitation center, highlighting a surge in cartel violence in the region, which is currently Mexico's most violent state.