LGA警告英格兰发生无声健康危机, 男性比女性少生活4年, 并要求制定全国男性健康战略。 LGA warns of a silent health crisis in England, with men living 4 years less than women, and calls for a national men's health strategy.
地方政府协会(LGA)警告英国发生“静默健康危机”, 男性平均寿命比女性低4岁, 癌症、心脏病和2型糖尿病发病率较高。 The Local Government Association (LGA) has warned of a "silent health crisis" in England, where men on average live 4 years less than women, with higher rates of cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. 贫困地区的男子在健康预期寿命方面有20年的差距。 Men in deprived areas face a 20-year gap in healthy life expectancy. 联盟呼吁制定国家男子保健战略,恢复5 700万英镑的地方预防自杀基金,并加强理事会、社区团体和基层组织之间的合作。 The LGA calls for a national men's health strategy, the reinstatement of the £57m local suicide prevention fund, and greater collaboration between councils, community groups, and grassroots organizations.