阿拉斯加航空公司从西雅图飞往奥克兰的1240号航班由于引擎故障返回西雅图。 Alaska Air flight 1240 from Seattle to Oakland returned to Seattle due to an engine issue.
阿拉斯加航空公司一架波音737-700航班从西雅图飞往奥克兰,由于星期天的引擎故障,被迫返回西雅图。 An Alaska Airlines Boeing 737-700 flight from Seattle to Oakland was forced to return to Seattle due to an engine issue on Sunday. 这架飞机在飞往奥克兰国际机场的途中,在机组人员发现潜在问题后,左侧第一台发动机关闭。 The plane, en route to Oakland International Airport, had its number one engine on the left side shut down after the crew identified a potential issue. 阿拉斯加航空公司飞行1240号航班安全降落在西雅图-塔科马国际机场,乘客赞扬飞行员遵守标准程序。 The flight, Alaska Air flight 1240, landed safely at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and passengers praised the pilots for following standard procedures. 阿拉斯加航空公司为不便道歉,并努力为前往奥克兰的乘客提供住宿。 Alaska Airlines apologized for the inconvenience and worked to accommodate passengers traveling to Oakland.