Dickson Fjord2023年的海啸由于格陵兰冰川融化而破坏了欧洲军事设施。 2023 tsunami in Dickson Fjord damages European military installation due to melting Greenland glaciers.
由于格陵兰冰川融化,造成山崩,波浪超过100米,气候科学家已经查明,巨型海啸的风险不断上升。 Climate scientists have identified rising risks of megatsunamis due to melting Greenland glaciers causing landslides with waves over 100 meters. 这些事件已波及欧洲,包括2023年一次海啸,影响到迪克森·弗约尔德,破坏一个军事设施。 These events have reached Europe, including a 2023 tsunami impacting Dickson Fjord, damaging a military installation. 《地震记录》发表的一项新研究利用地震信号和卫星图像来更好地了解和监测这些潜在的毁灭性事件。 A new study published in The Seismic Record uses quake signals and satellite imagery to better understand and monitor these potentially devastating occurrences.