俄罗斯电信创始人Pavel Durov在法国被捕, 承认在15年间在12个国家匿名捐赠精子, Russian Telegram founder Pavel Durov, arrested in France, admitted to anonymously donating sperm in 12 countries over 15 years, resulting in over 100 children.
俄罗斯 Telegram 创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫 (Pavel Durov) 因犯罪活动指控在法国被捕,他透露,他在 12 年内在 15 个国家匿名捐献了精子,产生了 100 多个亲生孩子。 Russian Telegram founder Pavel Durov, who was arrested in France over criminal activity allegations, revealed he donated sperm anonymously in 12 countries over 15 years, resulting in over 100 biological children. 杜罗夫的资产总价值155亿美元, 他认为捐精是他的公民义务. Durov, worth $15.5bn, considers sperm donation as his civic duty. 他计划公开他的DNA 与他的后代连接 并公布他的捐赠者资料 He plans to open-source his DNA to connect with his offspring and has his donor profile published. 俄罗斯前总统德米特里·梅德韦杰夫(现为俄罗斯安全理事会副首脑)批评杜罗夫逃离俄罗斯,不与国际执法机构合作。 Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now the deputy head of Russia's Security Council, criticized Durov for fleeing Russia and not cooperating with international law enforcement agencies. 梅德韦杰夫强调,我们不能选择自己的祖国。 Medvedev emphasized that one cannot choose their fatherland.