15 年前,Telegram 首席执行官 Pavel Durov 开始捐献精子,在 12 个国家生育了 100 多个孩子,并计划开源他的 DNA。 15 years ago, Pavel Durov, Telegram CEO, began donating sperm, fathering over 100 children in 12 countries, and plans to open-source his DNA.
Telegram 首席执行官兼联合创始人帕维尔·杜罗夫透露,他是 12 个国家“100 多个孩子”的亲生父亲。 Pavel Durov, the CEO and co-founder of Telegram, has revealed that he is the biological father of over "100 children" in 12 countries. 杜罗夫在他的消息平台上分享了这一消息,并解释说,15 年前他开始了精子捐献者的生涯,当时一位朋友请他去诊所捐献精子,以便他和他的妻子能生个孩子。 Durov shared this news on his messaging platform, explaining that he began his journey as a sperm donor 15 years ago when a friend asked him to donate at a clinic so he and his wife could have a baby. 杜罗夫计划开源他的 DNA,以帮助他的亲生孩子建立联系。 Durov plans to open-source his DNA to help his biological children connect.