由于资金和故意破坏问题,康涅狄格州的学校难以在 9 月 1 日之前实施免费期产品法。 Connecticut schools struggle to implement free period product law by Sept 1st due to funding and vandalism issues.
由于资金挑战和破坏性担忧,康涅狄格州的学校面临实施新法律的困难,要求在9月1日之前在女孩,男孩和所有性别的浴室中免费使用月经产品. Connecticut schools face difficulties implementing a new law requiring free period products in girls, boys, and all-gender bathrooms by Sept 1st, due to funding challenges and vandalism concerns. 在Norwalk、Danbury和Ridgefield等地区执行法律的同时,Bethel面临资金削减,此前发生的破坏一个棉条撒布机的事件引起关注。 While districts like Norwalk, Danbury, and Ridgefield are implementing the law, Bethel faces funding cuts, and a previous incident of vandalism of a tampon dispenser raises concerns. 该法旨在为所有学生提供平等获得学期产品的机会,有28个州和华盛顿特区制定了类似的立法。 The law aims to provide equitable access to period products for all students, with 28 states and Washington D.C. having similar legislation.