学生受托人对 2021 年在伦敦地区学校启动的免费经期产品计划的未来资助表示担忧。 Student trustee raises concern over future funding of free menstrual product program in London-area schools, launched in 2021.
当地一名学生受托人对泰晤士河谷地区学校董事会一项计划的未来表示担忧,该计划在伦敦地区的学校洗手间提供免费经期产品。 A local student trustee has raised concerns about the future of a program in Thames Valley District school board, which provides free menstrual products in London-area school washrooms. 该计划明年的资金情况尚不清楚,也没有就教育部长于 2021 年提出的这项举措是否会继续进行沟通。 The funding for the program is unclear for next year, and there has been no communication on whether the initiative, introduced by the education minister in 2021, will continue. 该计划每年在安大略省分发 600 万件经期产品。 The program distributes six million menstrual products annually across Ontario.