油轮在攻击中弃船;船上起火,威胁附近船只和环境。 Oil tanker abandons ship amid attack; fires erupt onboard, threatening nearby vessels and environment.
油轮在攻击中弃船而去;船上起火。 Oil tanker abandons ship amid attack; fires erupt onboard. 详情:最近遭攻击的油轮被弃置,现在船上着火。 Details: A recently attacked oil tanker was left abandoned and now suffers fires onboard. 攻击和火灾的确切原因尚未确定,但该事件对附近的船只和环境构成威胁。 The exact cause of the attack and fires is yet to be determined, but the incident poses a threat to nearby vessels and the environment. 目前正在努力扑灭火焰,据报有人员伤亡。 Efforts to douse the flames are ongoing and casualties have been reported.