印度68000公里铁路网的95%已经电气化, 成为世界上最大的绿色铁路。 95% of India's 68,000 km rail network electrified, making it the world's largest green railway.
印度68000公里铁路网的95%已经电气化, 95% of India's 68,000 km rail network has been electrified, making it the world's largest green railway, according to the Ministry of Railways. 印度政府已拨款85 000卢比用于未来财政年度的铁路扩建。 The Indian government has allocated Rs 85,000 crore for railway expansion in the upcoming fiscal year. 现代化努力,包括人工智能和机器学习,旨在加强连接,支持经济增长,为印度在2047年成为发达国家的目标做出贡献. Modernisation efforts, including AI and machine learning, aim to enhance connectivity and support economic growth, contributing to India's goal of becoming a developed nation by 2047.