印度铁路接近97%的电气化、提高效率和减少排放。 Indian Railways nears 97% electrification, boosting efficiency and cutting emissions.
印度铁路的宽高盖网已实现近97%的电气化,自2014至15年以来已实现45,200公里的线路电气化。 Indian Railways has reached nearly 97% electrification of its Broad Gauge network, with 45,200 route kilometers electrified since 2014-15. 电气化率从2004-14年的每天142公里猛升到2023-24年的每天19.7公里。 The electrification rate has surged from 1.42 kilometers per day in 2004-14 to 19.7 kilometers per day in 2023-24. 这种向电牵引的转变比柴油更经济、更环保, This move towards electric traction is 70% more economical and environmentally friendly than diesel. 东北部边境铁路正在领导这些努力,以实现100%的电气化和净零排放。 The Northeast Frontier Railway is leading these efforts to achieve 100% electrification and net-zero emissions.