儿童基金会敦促邦特兰当局审查索马里与儿童有关的司法程序。 UNICEF urges Puntland authorities to review child-related judicial procedures in Somalia.
联合国儿童基金会对索马里四名与沙巴布有联系的年轻人被军事法庭判处死刑表示遗憾. UNICEF has expressed regret over the execution of four young people in Somalia, allegedly linked to Al-Shabaab, who were convicted and sentenced by military courts. 本组织敦促邦特兰当局将与武装团体有关联的儿童作为受害者对待,防止对18岁以下被捕的年轻成年人判处死刑,并审查司法程序,以符合《邦特兰少年司法法》和索马里已批准的《儿童权利公约》。 The organization urges the Puntland authorities to treat children associated with armed groups as victims, prevent death sentences for young adults arrested while under 18, and review judicial procedures to align with the Puntland Juvenile Justice Act and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Somalia has ratified. 儿童基金会愿意与政府合作实施这些进程。 UNICEF is ready to collaborate with the government in implementing these processes.