联合国和非盟讨论南苏丹的过渡时期司法问题,支持新的和平协定倡议。 UN and AU discuss transitional justice in South Sudan, supporting new peace agreement initiatives.
联合国驻南苏丹人权委员会正在埃塞俄比亚与非洲联盟就过渡司法问题举行会谈。 The UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan is in Ethiopia for talks on transitional justice with the African Union. 在此之前,南苏丹总统基尔签署了法律,以建立一个真相、和解和康复委员会以及一个赔偿管理局。 This follows South Sudan's President Kiir signing laws to establish a Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing Commission and a Reparation Authority. 非洲联盟支持南苏丹的和平协定,联合国委员会将分享调查结果,讨论设立混合法院和加强地方司法系统。 The African Union supports South Sudan's peace agreement, and the UN commission will share findings and discuss setting up a Hybrid Court and strengthening local justice systems.