中国预防残疾五年国家计划显示,中国在知识、预防、康复和护理方面取得了进展。 China's five-year national plan for disability prevention shows progress in knowledge, prevention, rehabilitation, and care.
据中国残疾人联合会称,中国预防残疾五年国家计划取得了长足进步。 China's five-year national plan for disability prevention has made significant strides, according to the China Disabled Persons' Federation. 取得的成就包括在预防残疾知识、出生缺陷预防以及因伤致残方面取得进展。 Achievements include advancements in disability prevention knowledge, birth defect prevention, and injury-caused disabilities. 康复服务有所改善,76%的新婚夫妇接受婚前体检,91.3%接受产前检查。 Rehabilitation services have improved, with 76% of newlyweds undergoing pre-marital medical exams and a 91.3% prenatal screening rate. 85%以上的残疾人能够获得基本的康复服务,96%的严重精神病患者得到适当的护理。 Over 85% of disabled individuals have access to basic rehabilitation services, and 96% of severe mental disorder patients receive proper care.