澳大利亚政府提出法案,在带薪育儿假之外,提高父母的退休金,以缩小男女退休储蓄的差距。 Australian government introduces bill to boost parents' superannuation on top of paid parental leave, aiming to close the retirement savings gap between men and women.
澳大利亚政府提出了一项法案,旨在缩小男女之间的退休储蓄差距,为新父母提供12%的退休金,从2025年7月开始,除了政府资助的带薪育儿假之外,还提供12%的退休金。 The Australian government introduced a bill aimed at closing the retirement savings gap between men and women by providing new parents with 12% superannuation on top of government-funded paid parental leave starting from July 2025. 这项举措预计将每年使大约180 000个家庭受益,将确保使用政府资助的假期的父母享有与领取雇主资助的退休金的父母相同的福利。 This initiative, expected to benefit around 180,000 families annually, will ensure parents using government-funded leave enjoy the same benefits as those receiving employer-funded superannuation. 为了应对"母亲的惩罚", 妇女在养育孩子的头五年, 面临55%的收入下降, 她们的退休金通常比男性低25%. The move is intended to combat the "motherhood penalty," which causes women, who often retire with 25% less superannuation than men, to face a 55% drop in earnings during their first five years of parenthood.