由于未处理的生殖健康问题,澳大利亚每年面临266亿美元的损失,这促使人们要求休带薪保健假。 Australia faces $26.6 billion annual loss due to untreated reproductive health issues, prompting calls for paid health leave.
一份新报告显示,未经处理的生殖健康条件每年使澳大利亚经济损失266亿美元的生产力。 A new report reveals that untreated reproductive health conditions cost Australia's economy $26.6 billion annually in lost productivity. 健康服务联盟正在争取12天带薪生育假的全国性权利,包括月经疼痛、更年期和静脉注射治疗等条件。 The Health Services Union is campaigning for a national entitlement of 12 days of paid reproductive leave, which would cover conditions like menstrual pain, menopause, and IVF treatments. 虽然这将每年使雇主花费9.2亿美元,但远远低于目前不作为的代价。 While this would cost employers $920 million annually, it is far less than the current cost of inaction. 实施这种休假可以使澳大利亚成为生殖健康政策的全球领导者。 Implementing such leave could make Australia a global leader in reproductive health policy.