Vista拘留所一名46岁的囚犯在出现类似流感的症状后于12月28日去世。 A 46-year-old inmate at Vista Detention Facility died on December 28 after developing flu-like symptoms.
12月24日,一名46岁的囚犯因流感症状被单独隔离治疗后,死于Vista拘留所。 A 46-year-old inmate died at the Vista Detention Facility after being placed in medical isolation on December 24 due to flu-like symptoms. 他于12月28日被发现未反应, 不久后被宣布死亡。 Found unresponsive on December 28, he was pronounced dead shortly after. 自11月24日以来,他因将受管制物质带入监狱或监狱而根据重罪逮捕令被拘留。 He had been in custody since November 24 on a felony warrant for bringing controlled substances into a jail or prison. 郡长凶杀组正在调查死亡案 验尸官办公室将确定官方死因 The Sheriff's Homicide Unit is investigating the death, and the Medical Examiner's Office will determine the official cause of death.