印度在4月至7月期间成为钢净进口国,进口2.69M MT和出口1.57M MT,中国是最大的供应国。 India became a net steel importer between Apr-July, importing 2.69M MT and exporting 1.57M MT, with China as the largest supplier.
印度是4月至7月之间的钢净进口国,进口2.69M MT和出口1.57M MT,中国是最大的供应国。 India was a net steel importer between Apr-July, importing 2.69M MT and exporting 1.57M MT, with China as the largest supplier. 自印度在2024财政年度成为净进口国以来,进口量有所增加,由于进口增加和出口减少,钢铁价格跌至三年多来的最低点。 Imports rose since India became a net importer in FY2024, leading to steel prices falling to their lowest in over 3 years due to higher imports and decreased exports. JSW钢铁公司和Tata钢铁公司等印度钢铁制造商对进口增加表示担忧, Indian steelmakers like JSW Steel and Tata Steel express concerns over rising imports, causing the government to investigate steel imports from Vietnam.