伊恩·利弗斯(Ian Leavers)因涉嫌种族主义意识形态而受到审查,被任命为昆士兰州跨境专员。 Ian Leavers, facing scrutiny over alleged racist ideology, is appointed Cross Border Commissioner for Queensland.
昆士兰州警察工会主席伊恩·利弗斯(Ian Leavers)被任命为新的跨境专员,在公众对涉嫌种族主义意识形态的审查中。 Ian Leavers, Queensland police union head, appointed as new Cross Border Commissioner amidst public scrutiny over alleged racist ideology. 其作用重点是改善昆士兰的跨界合作,特别是在戈恩迪温迪、黄金海岸和卡梅伦角。 Role focuses on improving cross-border collaboration in Queensland, particularly in Goondiwindi, Gold Coast, and Cameron Corner. 为应对大流行病挑战而建立,旨在加强与新南威尔士对应方的伙伴关系。 Established in response to pandemic challenges and geared towards strengthening partnerships with New South Wales counterpart.