澳大利亚新的反奴役专员计划收紧签证规则,以保护家庭佣工免受剥削。 Australia's new anti-slavery commissioner plans to tighten visa rules to protect domestic workers from exploitation.
澳大利亚新的反奴役专员Chris Evans计划会见政府官员, 以强化外国外交官的签证条件, Australia's new anti-slavery commissioner, Chris Evans, plans to meet with government officials to tighten visa conditions for foreign diplomats, aiming to prevent the exploitation of domestic workers in embassies. 这是继家政工人面临类似奴隶条件之后发生的情况。 This follows cases of domestic workers facing slave-like conditions. Evans还对太平洋澳大利亚劳工流动计划中剥削工人的现象表示关切,呼吁加强保护。 Evans also flagged concerns over the exploitation of workers in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme, calling for stronger protections.