犹他州指控美国最高法院对州联邦土地管制的宪法权力进行起诉。 Utah sues US Supreme Court over constitutional authority of federal land control in the state.
犹他州对美国最高法院提出历史性诉讼,质疑联邦政府未经其同意控制州1 850万英亩无适当公用土地的宪法权威。 Utah files a historic lawsuit against the US Supreme Court, questioning the constitutional authority of the federal government to control 18.5 million acres of unappropriated public land in the state without its consent. 犹他州的诉讼认为,《宪法》没有授权这种联邦土地控制,现行政策侵犯国家主权,违反联邦制原则。 Utah's lawsuit argues that the Constitution does not authorize such federal land control and that current policies infringe on state sovereignty and violate federalism principles. 州政府雇用了前美国律师保罗·克莱门特将军 和最高法院首席律师艾琳·墨菲 来为其案件辩护 The state has hired former U.S. solicitor general Paul Clement and leading Supreme Court advocate Erin Murphy to argue its case.