犹他州质疑联邦对公共土地的所有权,认为一项关键法律违宪。 Utah challenges federal ownership of public lands, arguing a key law is unconstitutional.
犹他州质疑联邦政府无限期持有大量公共土地的权利, 认为《联邦土地政策和管理法》违宪。 Utah is challenging the federal government's right to hold large amounts of public land indefinitely, arguing the Federal Land Policy and Management Act is unconstitutional. 美国司法部反对犹他州向最高法院直接上诉,声称存在重大法律障碍和论点不力。 The U.S. Department of Justice opposes Utah's direct appeal to the Supreme Court, claiming significant legal barriers and weak arguments. 犹他州试图收回土地管理局管理的1 850万英亩土地。 Utah seeks to reclaim 18.5 million acres managed by the Bureau of Land Management. 其他 12 个州支持犹他州,但司法部认为犹他州的索赔已过时效且缺乏依据。 Twelve other states support Utah, but the DOJ argues Utah's claims are time-barred and lack merit.