美国最高法院驳回了犹他州控制联邦土地的请求, US Supreme Court rejects Utah's bid to control federal lands, a win for conservationists.
美国最高法院驳回了犹他州试图控制联邦大片公有土地的企图。 The US Supreme Court has rejected Utah's attempt to gain control over large portions of federal public land. 犹他州辩称,地方控制将增加税收和发展收入。 Utah argued that local control would enhance revenue from taxes and development. 法院简短、无法解释的裁决标志着环保主义者的胜利,但也为犹他州在下级法院追究这个问题留下了大门。 The court's brief, unexplained decision marks a win for conservationists but leaves the door open for Utah to pursue the issue in lower courts. 联邦机构目前管理着犹他州近70%的土地,包括用于娱乐和资源采掘的地区。 Federal agencies currently manage almost 70% of Utah's land, including areas used for recreation and resource extraction.