Anheuser-Busch解雇了193名雇员,关闭了Medford设施,将业务转移到质量饮料厂。 Anheuser-Busch lays off 193 employees, closes Medford facility, transfers operations to Quality Beverage.
Anheuser-Busch正在解雇193名雇员,并关闭其马萨诸塞州Medford设施。 Anheuser-Busch is laying off 193 employees and closing its Medford, Massachusetts facility. 位于440个河滨Ave的分销设施将永久关闭,业务将移交给当地批发商优质饮料公司。 The distribution facility at 440 Riverside Ave will permanently shut down, with operations transferred to local wholesaler Quality Beverage. 过渡的目的是改善Anheuser-Busch与独立经销商的伙伴关系,并定于11月初完成。 The transition aims to improve Anheuser-Busch's partnership with independent distributors and is set to complete in early November.