Chippewa Falls酿酒厂, 1867年以来制造Leinenkugel啤酒的制造商, 在关闭前最后一批酿酒。 Chippewa Falls brewery, maker of Leinenkugel's beer since 1867, brews last batch before closing.
由Molson Coors拥有的奇普瓦瀑布酿酒厂 在2025年1月17日关闭之前 正在准备最后一批Leinenkugel啤酒 The Chippewa Falls brewery, owned by Molson Coors, is brewing its final batch of Leinenkugel's beer before shutting down on January 17, 2025. 由于收入和利润下降,生产将转移到Milwaukee的Molson Coors设施。 Production will move to Molson Coors facilities in Milwaukee due to declining revenue and profits. 员工们正在告别自 1867 年以来一直运营的历史遗迹,但 Leinenkugel 的品牌将继续存在。 Employees are saying farewell to the historic site, which has operated since 1867, but the Leinenkugel's brand will continue.