Leinenkugel在威斯康辛州的酿酒厂在Molson Coors出售后面临关闭,有56个工作的风险。 Leinenkugel's Brewery in Wisconsin faces closure after Molson Coors sale, risking 56 jobs.
位于威斯康星州 Chippewa Falls 的历史悠久的 Leinenkugel's Brewery 啤酒厂在出售给 Molson Coors 后将于本周关闭,将业务转移到密尔沃基,并导致 56 人失业。 The historic Leinenkugel's Brewery in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, is set to close this week after its sale to Molson Coors, moving operations to Milwaukee and resulting in 56 job losses. 酿酒厂的创始人正试图买回它 让它继续运行, 但莫尔森・库尔斯拒绝了他们的报价。 The brewery's founders are trying to buy it back to keep it running, but Molson Coors has turned down their offer. Molson Coors计划在Chippewa瀑布保持存在 有设施和一家试验酿酒厂。 Molson Coors plans to keep a presence in Chippewa Falls with facilities and a pilot brewery.