Molson Coors将在2025年1月17日之前 关闭威斯康辛州 历史性的Leinenkugel酿酒厂 Molson Coors will close the historic Leinenkugel's Brewery in Wisconsin by January 17, 2025.
Molson Coors将在2025年1月17日关闭威斯康辛州奇佩瓦瀑布的历史性Leinenkugel酿酒厂, Molson Coors will close the historic Leinenkugel's Brewery in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, by January 17, 2025, ending over 150 years of brewing at the site. 该决定是在缔结了一项重要的酿酒合同之后作出的,目的是将生产集中到密尔沃基酿酒厂。 The decision follows the conclusion of a significant brewing contract and aims to centralize production at the Milwaukee brewery. 尽管关闭, Leinenkugel 的品牌将继续存在, Leinie Lodge 将继续对游客开放,保持酿酒厂的文化意义。 Despite the closure, Leinenkugel's brand will continue, and the Leinie Lodge will remain open for visitors, maintaining the brewery's cultural significance.