KFC加拿大公司和Kraft晚宴公司为加拿大的有限时间独家产品开展合作。 KFC Canada and Kraft Dinner collaborate for limited-time Canadian-exclusive products.
肯德基加拿大和Kraft Dinner (KD) 合作,在有限的时间内推出三款加拿大专属产品:KD KFC原始食谱风味麦克&n奶酪在杂货店,KD麦克&奶酪三明治和KD麦克&奶酪零食包裹在KFC店铺. KFC Canada and Kraft Dinner (KD) have teamed up for a limited-time collaboration, introducing three Canadian-exclusive products: KD KFC Original Recipe Flavour Mac 'n Cheese at grocery stores, and KD Mac & Cheese Chicken Sandwich and KD Mac & Cheese Snacker Wrap at KFC locations. 这种独特的舒适食品经典融合标志着这两家品牌首次推出零售产品和餐厅菜单单. The unique fusion of comfort food classics marks the first time either brand has launched retail offerings and in-restaurant menu items together. 这些产品只有有限的时间供应。 The products are available for a limited time only.