麦当劳的排骨三明治在快餐行业竞争中中断十年后重返加拿大。 McDonald's McRib sandwich returns to Canada after 10-year hiatus during fast-food industry competition.
时隔 10 年,麦当劳标志性的排骨三明治限时重返加拿大。 After a 10-year hiatus, McDonald's iconic McRib sandwich is back in Canada for a limited time. 这款三明治以无骨猪肉饼为特色,上面覆盖着烧烤酱,一直是社交媒体猜测的话题,也有大量加拿大顾客询问要求退货。 The sandwich, featuring a boneless pork patty covered in barbecue sauce, has been the subject of social media speculation and numerous inquiries from Canadian customers asking for its return. 这一回归正值快餐行业竞争日益激烈之际,麦当劳面临着蒂姆霍顿、温迪、哈维、快乐蜂、戴夫辣鸡、火焰披萨和福来鸡等流行连锁店的竞争。 This return comes amidst increasing competition in the fast-food industry, as McDonald's faces off against popular chains like Tim Hortons, Wendy's, Harvey's, Jollibee, Dave's Hot Chicken, Blaze Pizza, and Chick-fil-A.