KFC介绍Saucy,这是一家新的Orlando餐馆,提供4 000多种口味的鸡肉招标组合。 KFC introduces Saucy, a new Orlando restaurant offering over 4,000 flavor combinations of chicken tenders.
肯德基在佛罗里达州奥兰多推出了一家名为 Saucy 的新餐厅概念,专注于可定制的鸡柳,有 11 种酱汁,提供 4,000 多种口味组合。 KFC has launched a new restaurant concept called Saucy in Orlando, Florida, focusing on customizable chicken tenders with 11 sauces, offering over 4,000 flavor combinations. 菜单包括各种饮料和点菜餐,例如配有夏威夷卷和薯条的鸡标。 The menu includes a variety of beverages and made-to-order meals like chicken tenders with Hawaiian rolls and fries. Saucy 采用现代设计和技术前沿体验,移动应用程序允许 20 个个性化点,以提供量身定制的用餐体验。 Saucy features a modern design and a tech-forward experience, with a mobile app allowing 20 points of personalization for a tailored meal experience.