达林顿火车站正在进行1.4亿英的改造,新建了人行桥,大厅和停车场,与各种实体合作,使该列为二级的维多利亚火车站现代化. Darlington Station undergoes £140m revamp with new footbridge, concourse, and car park, partnering with various entities to modernize the Grade II listed Victorian station.
达林顿车站的改建工程显示,建筑上对完全无障碍的步行桥、新的汇合楼和多层停车场有详细的印象。 £140m Darlington Station revamp reveals detailed architectural impressions of fully accessible footbridge, new concourse building, and multi-storey car park. 网络铁路的项目,与蒂斯谷联合管理局,LNER,达林顿市议会和Department合作. Network Rail's project, a partnership with Tees Valley Combined Authority, LNER, Darlington Borough Council, and Dept. 交通部准备在保留其历史特征的同时,用21世纪现代旅行设施,加强列入维多利亚州名单的二级火车站。 of Transport, is set to enhance the Grade II listed Victorian station with modern 21st century travel facilities, while preserving its historic features.